Simulation Center
Women’s Guild Simulation Center for Advanced Clinical Skills
We are directing our formidable resources to fund a new project at Cedars-Sinai — one that may be our most innovative endeavor yet.
Dynamic, forward-thinking, and transformative on all levels: This has been Women’s Guild since 1957, and this new project carries on that tradition.
At first glance, the scene in the Women’s Guild Simulation Center for Advanced Clinical Skills is familiar. Patients recline in hospital beds surrounded by leading-edge technology and skilled medical professionals. They talk with doctors and nurses. Their chests rise and fall as they are checked with stethoscopes and heart monitors. Their eyes blink. On closer inspection, however, these are no ordinary patients — they are high-tech mannequins animated by next-generation technology. The new Simulation Center is the ultimate training environment — one where surgeons, physicians, nurses, and allied healthcare professionals can master advanced skills.
By constantly improving the skills of clinical staff, Women’s Guild is providing a resource that benefits every department at Cedars-Sinai and the patients they serve. We plan to fulfill a pledge of $10 million to the Simulation Center within five years.
Women’s Guild support will provide for the ongoing acquisition and maintenance of vital equipment, robotics, and new technology — ensuring the Simulation Center will remain state of the art for generations to come.
The Anesthesia Department recently brought a team of more than 50 doctors, nurses and technicians for an afternoon-long anesthesia emergency simulation. The Obstetrics and General Surgery departments are also regular users.
The Emergency Medicine, Pediatrics, and Endocrinology departments are scheduled to perform team-wide trainings in the next few months.
The Nursing Department’s use of the facility continues to expand. Nurses in a broad range of specialties use the center for training on a weekly basis.
Surgeons in the Guerin Family Congenital Heart Program participated in a 20-hour-long simulation to prepare for a difficult surgery on a child.

10,000 square feet
Approximately 1,000 users per month
Operating 6 days per week
13 robotic mannequins that can blink, bleed, talk, hyperventilate and give birth
1 anatomical simulator that looks and feels completely real and allows for the practice of surgical techniques

Floor Plan
2 fully equipped and functioning operating rooms
1 intensive care unit
1 obstetrics/genecology room
1 trauma bay
1 prenatal intensive care unit/neonatal intensive care unit
Multiple rooms for skills training and development
3 debriefing rooms equipped to receive and project live video feed from the simulation rooms
A fully equipped room with computerized simulators for practice in gastrointestinal/bronchoscopy procedures; laparoscopic, hyterscopic, urologic, neurologic and cardiovascular procedures; and ultrasound procedures and robotic surgery